Sunday, February 11, 2007

Aldergrove Moonrise

Reference photos can be deceiving because they are two dimensional which poses a problem for most painters. I prefer to paint the effect of the light with reference to observations outside my studio windows. So it is that I came across this photo of the Moonrise on a farm in Aldergrove, British Columbia. The mountains reminded me of their counterparts in Southern California with the only difference being the California mountains tend to be a bit more purple. The cows were a first for me as well - 2 out of 3 isn't bad. I liked the double effect of the setting sun and the the rising moon; warm reds & oranges versus the cool aqua blues & violets. I cant wait to paint a similar subject in the style similar to my previous Trestles seascape. I think this would do well with a dramatic color approach. It took me a few extra days to complete but I'm satisfied with the finished painting. This was a very difficult painting to photograph, but thanks to my friend Paula, it's better than expected. Comments please. (16"x20" oil) ~NEXT Detail -


Pilan said...

Hey hey, I like this. Your really doing wonderful. We need to paint together sometimes.

The farm paintings and oceans are wonderful.


Jeff Wilson said...

Thanks Pilan- it's a deal... plein aire? or studio? We should get a group together as well. I appreciate the comments.