Friday, May 1, 2009

Clam Bake

This is third in a series about bowls. My Mother has always been facinated by bowls, all shapes, sizes, and textures and I inherited a bit of that, but with my culinary background I am intrigued with what is IN them. Although this is only the 3rd official work in the series, I've been painting bowls for several years now. The official series are all 12" x 12" format to unify them. The clams were a natural subject as we head into summer and I couldn't pass on the color combination. The still life was so vibrant it begged to be captured. i tried to become a little looser witht he brushwork and stay bold with my palette. Lemons show up in my bowl paintings often and I think it has to do with their vibrancy and their historical appearance in great paintings from The Last Supper to VanGogh's canvases. All in all I quite pleased with this one and I hope you enjoy it as well.